Browse this list of tools and documents to find resources such as the most up to date Publix category review schedule, a guide for KeHE suppliers on how to best navigate KeHe and other helpful tips. Click on the image to download the additional information or form. If you have not signed up for email updates, please click on the link below to get the Supplier Connection emails.
We are excited to partner with Pro Grocery and offer an easier and accurate platform to capture promotional monies and streamline the submission process. Through this platform, vendors/brokers will be able to load additional MCBs for national promotions or new promos that did not make the KeHE national promotional deadline into a portal that looks very much like the submission form that was used in the past. This will allow for a more streamlined approach to entering information into a system. Check out the Keeping You Informed page to learn about the latest platform upgrade that was made in April 2020. .
Publix considers itself to be a fast follower but they hold true to only reviewing items during the category review schedule. For the most up to date schedule and to know when to reach out to the account manager, reference this handy guide. Be sure to include the category name when you send the KeHE AM an appointment request for a review. Last updated on 08.01.24
Make sure you fill this out and submit it to the appropriate account manager when requesting an appointment for Publix. The category review schedule has the timeline of when you should start reaching out. Be sure to include the category name in the file name and in the subject line of the email when sending to KeHE. **NEW form added June 2023 - please discard old forms
*NOTE:: Save the file with the category name you are requesting the appointment and also include the category in the subject line of your email.
See the guide for approved demo companies and requirements for body care and mainline stores. Note that body care stores have Body Care Specialists that each handle a group of stores within Publix. Some Publix buyers prefer you to work directly with the approved Demo companies and they will process up stream on the retail side. Last reviewed on 08.28.24
Check out the Extra Savings overview as a way to help Publix shoppers save and get inspired. This is for special events and items must have 90% ACV with Publix to participate. Events begin on Saturday and run for 14 days. Pricing may vary and is spelled out on the forms. The payments for this type of activity will not come through as a KeHE deduction, it is paid directly to Promo Point. To sign up, send an email to PromoPoint (, Lara Toothman (, or Laura Kiddey ( Last updated 09.18.24
Maximize your reach and grow your business at Publix by investing your trade dollars into media platforms that allow you to directly target the customer along their path to purchase. This document was created to initiate collaboration with Suppliers on key tactics that can be used to promote offers and products available at Publix.
Please read the Requirements for Generators of Hazardous Waste memo to understand how Publix is meeting the requirements related to hazardous waste materials and what is required of suppliers. Last reviewed on 4/24/20.
Publix asks suppliers to work with Inmar to provide high-value coupons. For questions, forms or the user guide, please email Any coupon (FSI, digital) needs to be shared with your AM so that they can enter on the Publix portal. For digital, you can use the Inmar form, for all others, please download the form linked on the right, fill it out and send to the Account Manager. This should be done 30 days prior to the start date of the event. Additional document: Publix Digital Coupon Program
Support new items with the Publix New Item Co-Op and New Item Rack. Reference the Change Letter. Contact your AM for current submission dates. This opportunity still requires 90% ACV and is for items within 6 months of their launch. Template to submit